Monday, April 21, 2014

Autism Blogs I've Been To

I have read many autism blogs, to some degree. Here's a list
A Diary of a Mom (partially)
Amanda Broadfoot's blog (some)
Another Autism Dad (some)
Appalachian Aspie (some) She's a Christian aspie lady, so kinda like me.
Autisticook's blog (some)
Autism and Daily Living (some) that's the TC boy one I mentioned
Autism Army Mom
Autism Dad (partially)
Autism Daddy(some)
Autism Twins (going through)
Autisms Edges (some)
Big Daddy Autism ( some, until it shut down)
That Bub and Pie Blog (substantially)
Dude I'm an Aspie (some)
Everyday Asperger's (some)
Just Stimming (partially)
Life With Joey (partially)
Little Bit Quirky (somewhat)
MagnetoBoldToo (in part)
Maternal Instincts (some)
Mom Ma'am Me (some)
Musings of An Aspie (some)
My Life as It Is (some)
PDD-NOS (some)
Problem Girl (some)
Puck and Puzzle Pieces (some)
Rhema's Hope (some)
Saving Savannah (some)
Slow Down, Gym Shoe and the writer's other blog (some)
Stimeyland (up to date)
Spectrummy Mummy (somewhat)
Tis My Life (significant but maybe not quite all)
Three Channels (some)
Turn Around Bright Eyes (partially)
You Are What You Eat (some)
There's another one I vaguely remember, but the name escapes me. It was about an autistic boy.
I remember one with a single dad and a son called The Boy with autism and cerebral palsy.
This one blog by someone autistic and bipolar.
Some, like the ones whose names I couldn't remember, I only read one post or just a few or haven't been to in a while, but these are ones I remember going to.


  1. This is such a great list. I really love some of these blogs. I'll have to check out some of them that I haven't read. I know the TC one. I am trying to remember the name of the blog, but I can't. I'll let you know if I come up with it.

    1. I think TC means Tony Carl. I remembered another blogger I've read some after I posted this. I found you through Big Daddy Autism and some I found through your blog, somehow, like I found Autism Twins through your blog and Rhema's Hope from there (AT, that is). The rest I found through web searches. By the way, is there an Aspie elements to my blogging style, like length of posts or the way I talk about my topics?

  2. MagnetoBoldToo's another I discovered through your blog.

  3. I just happened to pop over here from Stimey's blog, and I saw the name of my old blog on your list! I used to write Slow Down, Gym Shoe, but I have a new blog now. My new blog is Diary Of An Alien. I don't live with the kids anymore due to unfortunate circumstances, so I started a whole new separate blog. :)

    1. I mentioned your new blog on the same line as the old one. Diary of An Alien= the writer's other blog.
